Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Push Pass

This week, the P1s are learning how to do the push pass as a lead up to soccer.

The cues emphasised can be remembered using the 3Ps:

Plant the non-kicking leg next the ball.

Place the kicking leg behind the ball.

Push the ball forward with the inside of foot and then follow-through.

Click here to look at a video on how to do the push pass with good form. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Beacon's Friends of Singa Nominees

Hi, Beacons!

We are happy to announce that the following Beacons have been nominated for the Friend of Singa Award 2009. They are selected by their form teachers for showing exemplary behaviour towards their teachers and friends. They show politeness, humility, courtesy, kindness and are always ready to help their fellow Beacons in need.

They are:
Desiree Foo (Pri 2/8)
Choon Pui Leng (Pri 2/4)
Marcus Teo (Pri 2/4)
Janielynne Encio Flores (Pri 2/6)
Preston Chiong (Pri 1/1)

Congratulations! Let's give them all our support in their upcoming project for the whole school!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Well done, Singapore and Qatar!

The AYG has come to a close. We are certainly proud of the achievements of our fellow Singapore athletes as well as athletes from our partner country, Qatar!

Well done, young athletes! Now for the YOG...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Health Education - Washing Hands

Check out this video on why and how we should wash our hands. As you watch it, try to answer these questions:

1) Why should we wash our hands?
2) When should we wash our hands?
3) How do we wash our hands?
4) Why can't we share food?

Click here for the video!

WNC Photo Gallery

Click on the links below to access the photo galleries.

Kids' Athletics Carnival (6 Mar 2009)
12 Beacons took part in the above competition. They participated enthusiastically and showed good sportsmanship throughout. We came in 6th out 10 schools. Well done, Beacons!

Health Education - Oral Health

This week, we are learning how to take good care of our teeth. Why is it important to take care of our teeth? Why do our teeth drop? Why are our front teeth sharp? How do we keep our teeth strong and healthy? What is the 'ugly duckling stage'? How are baby teeth replaced by permanent ones?

For answers to these and other questions as well as fun games on oral health, visit the following websites. Enjoy!

1) Healthy Teeth

2) KidsHealth

3) Colgate Kids World

4) Kids Stuff

5) Animated Tooth